
what is Anthropocene

Anthropocene is a way of describing the most recent time period. Its said that its very human-influenced to the point where us humans have our natural worlds is now effected and changed due to us.

Anthropocene is used in lots of different forms through photography, film, vertical reality etc…And the main idea behind capturing these images are to be able to show how we are changing our world usually for the worst .These beautiful landscapes we had are now worn away. The images tend to makers you ashamed and to call us out as most of us are guilty for probably not treated our world and environment as well as we should be.

When thinking about the topic of Anthropocene these are probably the main ideas associated with it.

Often people tend to think of things to do with climate change and the negative effects on our planet as Anthropocene is to do with this time period where we as humans have so much effect on our planet.

I believe that these images although they are not completely solving the issue. They are bringing a lot more attention to the problem. By doing this it makes people reflect on they’re choices and lifestyle and maybe make them feel slightly responsible so they may make a small change .However if everyone makes one small change in terms of being more environmentally friendly that can really help and cause lots of good changes.

I think part of the reason that Anthropocene photography is so interesting and successful is because they are often so negative and not always pretty. Its almost like a reality check that the whole world will soon start to look like this if we as humans don’t change our ways. However, I think if all the images were super pretty and aesthetically pleasing then the message behind the photos wouldn’t be as strong as it wouldn’t show off the damage we are causing as well as it does.

the environmental sides of Anthropocene

This is probably more useful now than ever because as of recently climate change is effecting us more than ever every year our global temperature appears to be increasing with research saying “The global-average temperature for the past twelve months (March 2023–February 2024) is the highest on record, at 0.68°C above the 1991-2020 average and 1.56°C above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial average”.

However global temperature is not the only thing being effect. as of recently there is a major increase in loss of biodiversity due to many reasons like cutting down trees trees in order to provide us with material however by doing that we are often cutting down lots of animals homes. But not only are we cutting down animals homes animal hunting as become a lot mote popular compared to a few years ago. It may have been common a few million years ago when hunting animals were our main source of food however that has changed now and hunting is more done for enjoyment and to create material things out of the dead animal which is causing so many more animals to become extinct.

Some people may argue that photographers are being hypocritical because while they are documenting this and trying to influence they are actively part of the problem. And I do agree however if they are able to effect people through there photos even if it is only 20 people that cancels it out as they are making more people aware and influencing them to change.

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