Romanticism art–

Romanticism art is a style of art which started in Europe towards the 19th century. Romanticism is said to be a way to express personal feelings, emotions and interest for the world. It gets its name due to the rise of popularity for medieval romance which heavily inspired this genre.
There are said to be 5 classifications of romanticism art individualism, nature, emotion, freedom and gothic/the unknown. Lots of romanticism art contains something like “idealization of women; awe of nature; return to the past; critique of progress; purity of childhood
Part of the romanticism art movement was about it being a revolt against the ideas of aristocratic social views and the political norms at the time. They wanted to draw attention to them and criticize their views which they did through their art.
The French revolution was a big contributing factor to the whole romanticism movement they would illustrate some of the of heroic acts which were taking place and should have gotten recognition. They also saw a spike in these aristocratic views and the the Enlightenment values so it was their response to that.

Sublime is said to be feeling when something is so amazing overwhelmingly so and its meant to be its the strongest emotion the mind is capable of feeling
The sublime is often described as a way to describe the feeling of greatness or awe and wonder to do with nature. When looking at the history behind it you can tell that it has taken inspiration from the baroque period is an elaborate style which gained popularity during the 1600’s and 1700’s in Europe. This philosopher Edmund Burke believed that the sublime can be beautiful but it also has this aspect of horror to it. He also spoke about the opposition of “beauty and sublimity” “He made the opposition of pleasure and pain the source of the two aesthetic categories, deriving beauty from pleasure and sublimity from pain”
John Constable the Haywain-

This painting was originally called “Noon” by John Constable which was later renamed to what we now know as The Haywain. The painting shows us this country side/rural area around the river Stour in England during the early 1820’s.
John Constable had a strange approach to his art compared To other artist at the time. This is because most artists were striving to have these perfect pieces of art with each stroke being calculated and “perfect”. However John Constable tried to do the opposite he didn’t feel like it had to look “perfect” his pieces were often more emotionally driven as he wasn’t planning it out as much and he did what felt right to him.
It’s said the concept behind this painting to show “an emotional reaction to a crisis beyond his control, and probably understanding”. At the time this paining was created they were in the middle of the industrial revolution. And World War 1 had only ended around 10 years ago so people were still heavily effect by those actions.
The enlightenment–
Enlightenment is the idea of “individual liberty and religious tolerance” it kind of goes against the ideas of religion and the monarchy with the ideas of strict aspects of it and the values. The idea of enlightenment was created due to the rise of the intellectual movement during the 17th and 18th century where ideas such as God, reason, nature, and humanity were becoming more mainstream and enlightenment was a way of defying those views.
There are said to be 5 main values of enlightenment are said to be happiness, reason, nature, progress, and liberty. these concepts were created by French philosopher Voltaire who felt very strongly about the idea of social progress. Joseph Wright was a very talented artist who contributed greatly to the enlightenment movement.