
Here i selected some of my best photos and presented them in black and white to represent Ansel Adams work, I also like how the black and white effect makes the photo look a lot more mysterious and a sense of the unknown.

Here I went to St Catherine’s to take some landscape photos, and here are some of the results above. I turned the photos black and white to match Ansel Adams work as I was inspired by him to go out and take some photos, I really like how these photos turned out as they show such a natural side of the world where there isn’t any people, the world looks really peaceful and still. However I have taken a few portrait photos, so I could really show the view in different sizes and shapes.

Here I tried to take a picture with a reflection of the view by using water on the ground and positioning the camera in a certain way. If I were to do this again I would try to get the water right to the end of the pier to get a better reflection and not have a rocky surface at the end, which sort of ruins the photograph. would also like to get different locations to different viewpoints and see what it would give me. I really like the idea of having a reflection at he bottom of the photo as it makes it more unique and different, I also really like how it was a sunny day when I took these photos and there were clouds all over the photo, this makes the photo look more detailed and full. To edit these photo I simply when onto photoshop and pressed “image” then “adjustments”, lastly I clicked “black and white” and this gave me options to control the whole photo and what part is darker or lighter in certain sections of the photo.

A good photoshoot and response to Ansel Adams. Select a few more images and also produce a set of edited images in colour as well as monochrome.