Above is some of the damage that people witnessed the Morning after the storm.

For this photoshoot I went around St.Catharines woods in Jersey, as there where still lots of debris (e.g. fallen over trees) which I could capture. However, Its very difficult to get wide shots as the wood is in a valley, making close up shots the only option here. To capture the sublime I went around, looking for scenery that was very destroyed, yet still beautiful, showing how even a huge, dangerous storm can be beautiful.
Here are the photos I picked out and edited:
1st image:

Here, me and my family just entered the forest where we believed we could find some damage still left after storm cereal. The rain just happened to have stopped and the sun came out, allowing the path to ‘glow’, creating a warm and divine feel. I only bumped up the contrast slightly, allowing the road to glow more.
2nd image:

I found a broken tree, with 2 wide stretching branches growing outwards. The photo itself is not that interesting but with some editing (e.g. using the zone system in the style of Ansel Adams), I can bring this image to life and create depth in the complex textures of the trees and the stubble on the ground.

Here was the first edit I tried using light room, However, I wanted more control over the highlights and shadows is areas where the intensity is lost (especially in the Brocken tree). So I imported the image into photoshop so I can select areas where I don’t want shadows.

I edited the tree stump with the dodge and burn tool, to bring out the detail but reduce the exposure slightly. I also went into the B&W settings and reduced the amount of blue colour to make the sky more dramatic:

3rd image:

I dont think these are my strongest photos however, so to represent the sublime and romanticism, I will be retaking photos of cliffs sides around Jersey.