Final images:

Presentation 1:

Presentation 2:

Presentation 3:

Evaluation, critique and comparing:
When it comes to thinking about my overall satisfaction with my finished products, I think that I did quite well. I believe that I’m satisfied with some of my final work.
With reference to editing my photographs, I think that I was able to use my editing skills to edit my photos like Ansel’s work. I was able to show the different tones in my pictures just like Ansel did. The textured and evident clouds Ansel had in his pictures was something I really liked and focused on. In two of my pictures, it is apparent that I edited the picture so that it would peak the dark shadows.
I’d say that I was able to clearly show my understanding towards Ansel’s work and how powerfully I was able to make my pictures reflect his work. I also made sure that most of my pictures were in black and white because the period Ansel produced his pictures was a time when colored pictures were just being introduced, so all of them were black and white.
However, I admit that some of my pictures need improvement. In some of my pictures I don’t show that texture that Ansel’s work had. It was something that I didn’t realize when I was editing so I wasn’t able to focus on that and apply that technique on my pictures which is something that I will have to keep in mind in my future projects.