To create these photos I went to various areas within St Ouen and took photos of things such as pathways and man-made building which are amongst the natural landscapes.
Contact sheet:
During my photoshoot I took over 100 photographs of different exposures (over, under, neutral) so that I am next able to combine them using the HDR option in Adobe Lightroom classic to create photos similar to Angel Adams.
Best photos
How to edit images using HDR:
I edited these images using the same method which I used during my previous blogpost where I used the HDR option in Lightroom to merge three images together to create a more intense contrasted version.
Final photos:
This first photo was taken in Saint Ouens area on quite a rainy day which added a darkness to the clouds. This is a successful image as it has very bright areas as well as very dark which was my aim in order to create a similar effect to Ansel Adams. I like how the foreground of the photo consists of many fine details for example the tree branches and the windows, whereas the upper half of the image consists of a simple yet effective empty space with only the darkness of the clouds. I find this allows the photo to be nice to look at as there is not too much going on bringing the viewers attention to each area. The intense dark clouds create a feeling of the sublime as it makes the clouds and weather appear extremely powerful and makes you almost intimidated by it as it has a large amount of control.
Other photos:
I decided to also edit one of my photos in colour so I am able to compare the black and white version with the coloured one to see which style I prefer. The coloured version has a completely different feeling to it in comparison to the black and white. It doesn’t produce the feeling of the sublime as it doesn’t make you feel intimidated in the way the black and white photo does with the dark and intense clouds and weather. Instead this one produces a happy tone as the weather appears to be sunny and all the colours within the photo are bright and saturated. I find the coloured one interesting as through increasing the saturation colours which weren’t there before start to appear creating almost a new image.
Virtual gallery
I created a virtual gallery using the website ‘Artsteps’. I added a simple black frame with a white border to each of the photos and made two photos the same size and I made the main photo larger.