I am going to try to recreate his romanticism and landscape photos.
As well as taking photographs the storm that affected jersey and here are some of the examples I am going to go off.
Adams inspired me because he takes nature into a different perspective and I want to recrate the aesthetic beauty that he used to capture in photography and see how I can analysis his photos to do the same with mine.

Areas to visit and document…
- cliff-paths
- beaches
- sand dunes
- fields
- country lanes and paths
- woods
- valleys
One of the key techniques that Adams applied in many of his images was to place the horizon about two-thirds of the way up the frame. This would mean the composition was biased in favour of the landscape rather than the sky.
So I am going to apply this and many of his techquines to try and replicate similar photos to Adams.

Here is some of my ideas.

Edited in Lightroom.