Green coloured:
These photos are rated 4 – 5 on the star rating, and are flagged meaning I believe they fit the right aesthetic for my attempts of creating a similar photoshoot of landscapes like Ansel Adams, however by using photos of storm Ciaran damage.
With good texture and tone within the images, these best contain what I feel could be used to create a similar set of images that Ansel Adams created in American national parks.
Yellow coloured:
These images are taken well but lack the correct amount of exposure or may be salvageable.
These images, although containing some good and bad photos, can partially relate to Ansel Adams work. Not taken in the similar style I believe they still show some elements of romanticism.
Red coloured:
These images did not fit the aesthetic because they where either blurry, poorly taken or not what I had in mind when I saw the results.
These images outcomes were not what I wanted in terms of exposure, aperture and shutter speed and were either taken poorly.
Best Images –
I like This image as like Adams’ work, it includes a large variety of detail in its composition, with different areas of nature through its fore, mid and background. With a nice tonal contrast with shadows and sunrays it creates an interesting mise en scene for the image.
Using the building and equipment as a frame, I believe I made an interesting composition and space, with a variety of texture on the stone brick wall and the wooden trees and patchy grass, it contains, to me, a rural aesthetic, similar to what Adams strived for with his work.
Although not massively similar to Ansel Adams landscapes, I still like this image as it contains an interesting angle on the landscape at Noirmont.
This picture in my opinion covers the landscape well including large elements of nature such as: Hills, Sea, Cliff faces and fields. With a good texture in the clouds and beams of light spreading across the horizon it creates an interesting composition.
Conclusion –
In conclusion, I find that there is a fair majority between the photos have been rated and that there is some both good and bad outcomes with my images.