Landscape photography commonly involves daylight photography of natural features of land, sky and waters, at a distance. This can also include man made features. Landscape photography may include photos of artificial scenery, such as fields, orchids, gardens and architecture and human-made structures such as buildings, roads bridges etc. Landscape photography is capturing an image that embodies the spirit of the outdoors. It carries a sense of being to see something wonderful for the viewers.

When did landscape emerge as a genre?
Landscape emerged earlier in western culture, as it came about during the Renaissance period in the 16th century, an era towards a more modern, art appreciating society. Landscapes were seen as a part of earths surface that can be viewed at one time from one place. However, classical landscapes only emerged as a genre in the 17th century. Classical landscapes were influenced by classical antiquity, and wanted to illustrate an ideal landscape recalling Arcadia, which is a legendary place in Greece known for its peaceful and quiet tone.

What prompted the rise of Landscape art during the late 18/19th century?
Landscape painting eventually gained prominence in the late 18th century with the rise of romanticism and often carried a religious significance. It also became a method of self-expression with the emotions of the painter and their appreciation of nature demonstrated in the painting. The interest in landscapes grew during this time, because it was during the Renaissance period, which is when factories were constantly being built, so the interest in landscapes grew, because of the lack of them and how they began slowly disappearing.

When did landscape photography originate?
The first Landscape painting came before the first landscape photo, because landscape paintings became popular earlier the the landscape photos, in the late 18th centaury. However, the first landscape painting was painted by Leonardo da Vinci, Albrecht Dürer, Fra Bartolomeo at the end of the 15th period.

Landscape photography originated between 1826 and 1827 and the first landscape photo was taken by a French inventor named Nicephore Niepce. He took a landscape photo of snowy mountains.