Cindy Sherman referance

I chose this image to relate to Cindy Sherman’s images about femininity. Things in my photo that are similar to Cindy Sherman’s photo is the way both models show the back of their heads in the camera while their reflections of their face in the mirror. I like the way both images have similar story’s in the images, for example in Cindy Sherman’s it looks like the model is fresh out the shower and in a towel, meanwhile in my photo the model is getting ready and putting on makeup. It can show the stages of being a stereotypical ‘woman’ and being stereotypically feminine. The differences between these two images are that in my photo the model is holding a prop to her face instead of just her hand like in Cindy Sherman’s.
Claude Cahun reference

I chose this image as it relates to Claude Cahun. Even though my image is more feminine they have similar styles like the model in my photo is looking towards the camera while the reflection is looking away and this is the same as Claude Cahun’s photos. I like the way that my photo contrasts to Claude Cahun’s, mine is feminine while Claude Cahun’s is more masculine, by the way she is looking at the camera. They pose and look very different but you can see the similarities within the different photos. A difference is that the model in my photo isn’t making any eye contact with the camera giving it a ‘silly’ or less serious look. Meanwhile in Cahun’s photo she is making full eye contact with the camera making it a serious and moody photo.