Photoshoot 1
For this photoshoot I am going to experiment the theme of femininity through generations over a period of time. To do this I am going to use my mum as my main inspiration, and take inspiration from photos of her when she was similar to my age now. I would like to do a series of photoshoots by looking at different photos of my mum, for example looking closely at what she was wearing, doing and also the environment she was in when the photo was taken. From this I think it will be an interesting concept to see as the viewer, because we will be able to see the change in generations, showing and explaining a story just by looking at the photo, which is what Cindy Sherman did in her own way by looking at performance artists. – This is something I want to experiment with in my own portraits, so you can see the story in the photo, but also creates this performance over the generations.
Photos of my mum that I am going to recreate:

Photoshoot 2
Cindy Sherman recreated stereotypical feminine activities of what she saw from her generation. So for my second photoshoot, I am going to experiment with different feminine activities. As Cindy Sherman experiments with different personalities and identities, it would be interesting to experiment with that idea too. One idea is having the subject pose whilst applying makeup or while getting ready, so for this photoshoot I am going to take pictures I think this would be interesting creating unique and different images.
Inspiration from Cindy Sherman’s photos: