Final outcomes:

Presentation of final outcomes:
Final outcome 1:

Final outcome 2:

Final outcomes 3:

Final outcome 4:

Final outcome 5:

Evaluation, Critique and Comparing:
I think that overall, my outcomes show inspiration from my case studies, (Claude Cahun and Shannon O’Donnell).
One of the outcomes that I particularly felt like, showed an inspiration from my case studies was final outcome 2. This outcome was massively influenced by Cahun’s work as it has that illusion that one of her most famous photoshoot had. She created that image by emerging two ‘loading’ pictures together and I created mine using the selection tool in Photoshop. I think that the tone on the photo is quite similar to the original picture she created and I think that it is evident what I was trying to replicate.
However, the pictures tone could have been more darker and I could’ve added texture to the picture. I could’ve also added a different background when I was taking the pictures as it would ensure that the picture would look a little more accurate.
Another picture that was motivated by Cahun’s work was outcome 3. This was my attempt to replicate the picture that Cahun took of her partner where her partner was using the mirror to look at the camera directly. I think that my outcome was okay. The tone to the picture could’ve had more texture and darker. My subject could’ve been standing instead of kneeling down and the mirror could’ve been hanging on a wall just like Cahun’s picture. The subject could’ve also been smiling a little.
However when it comes to meaning I think that outcome 3 shows the intention Claude had with that photoshoot. Claude’s intention was to intimidate viewers by having direct contact with the viewers. In her picture, her partner isn’t posed sexually like women were back then, and I think that I achieved that with my picture. My subject isn’t being sexualized and they aren’t cosplaying as this ‘damsel in distress’. My subject has a harsh tone on her face and is standing her ground, just like Cahun’s partner in the picture.
Two outcomes that were hugely influenced by my other case study, Shannon O’Donnell, is the outcomes, 4 and 1. Shannon has a diverse set of work where it consists of black and white and normal coloured pictures. I really liked how Shannon has pictures of different body parts or zoom ins of things. Especially in her project ‘That’s Not The Way The River Flows’.
I think that I managed to show the inspiration that I had from Shannon by zooming into body parts especially in outcome 4. I think that the use of black and white and coloured pictures in outcome 4 shows the inspiration I had from Shannon because I was able to show different coloured picture whilst also creating a collage of zoomed in body parts.
However, the fact that I put multiple pictures of zoomed in body parts into a collage is not quite accurate. Next time I will just leave the zoomed in pictures as they are.
Finally, I feel like outcome 1 could’ve been better. I think that it shows that inspiration of black and white that Shannon used in her pictures but it doesn’t have a variety of different perspectives or zoom ins like Shannon’s work. I think that the pictures in my final outcome are quite repetitive and I should’ve had zoom ins and different types of poses.
I think that overall I did okay. There is obviously things I need to improve in but I do think that I have some highs in my final outcomes and photoshoots.