This photoshoot is a lot more about how boys are seen in our society instead of what they could be seen as, for example we would see boys as strong and not emotional whereas they can be emotional and should let out their emotions, its the same for girls we are seen as weak and more caring, which is just a stereotype. Boys and girls can be seen just as emotional and caring as each other.

Here I went to the studio to take pictures of some boys to show that boys are very different to girls, while taking these photos, I made the boys pose as if they were doing a normal photoshoot to see how different they pose compared to girls. I did get a few photos of them fighting, which represents the masculine side. The main photos that I really like are the ones where they are sat on a chair/standing up and they are holding their jackets behind them, these photos portray how boys would pose as if they were modelling and how differently they look to when a girl would be modelling. I did make the photos black and white as its foes make the photo look more modern as it also gets rid of all the bright colours in the photo, this helps us to focus more on the facial features and how different boys are not what colours are around them, however it could be interesting to see it as boys wear blue and girls are meant to be wearing pink. In these photos the boys are wearing blue however it should be normalized that they can wear pink and still be seen as masculine. This photoshoot as very different from the femininity photoshoot as this one has less emotions and was based on any artists, it was more of a free style type of photoshoot where they could just pose, where as the girls photoshoot was based on Cindy Sherman where she takes portrait photos of herself to show how women are represented back in the days. Although this this photoshoot could be linked in with one of my artists research such as Catherine Opie, she does photography based on how each gender could be seen as and why they shouldn’t be judged for it, for example if a man wanted to wear pink clothes and wear some makeup it should be normalized, they also do show that its alright to have women dress up in big leather jackets and have short hair with big piercings, therefore this artists does explore how each person could feel in their bodies.