Here is my Top 3 best photos that resemble Masculinity
These photos resemble masculinity because they are mainly photos of muscles and a very traditional ‘masculine’ man, holding ‘masculine’ objects or poses.
These are my final photos after I have edited them.
For this photo, I used black and white because I personally think the b/w affect adds a very ‘masculine’ almost ‘strong’ image to the photo.
For this photo I made my model more tanned, increased the texture to show more detail and definition in the muscles and physique.
Finally, for this photo I increased the texture so my skin was more defined and you could see the stretch marks and skin texture and all of the muscles and veins in the arm, shoulder and forearm to show masculinity.
Here are my Top 3 photos that resemble femininity.
The first photo resembles femininity because it is of a male with makeup on around their eye which shows femininity even though it is a male. The second photo shows a necklace which is particularly a feminine object which a lot of women wear, also the long hair each side helps the audience tell it is a female, but could also be a male with long hair. Finally, the last picture shows my model using makeup (concealer) on her face with a tote bag around her arm which is all feminine things.