For this photoshoot I used my first Idea from my mood board of photographing members of my family, their colleagues, as well as the animals around the farm. I have composed a documentative series of images of the working parts of the farm with examples being the kitchen, animals and machinery, furtherly I have represented the identities of business through photographing them in their usual places.
Best Images:
Image Ratings:
Green coloured:
These photos are rated 4 – 5 on the star rating, and are flagged meaning I believe they fit the right aesthetic I am looking for with my plan of creating a documentative series of images for my project on Masculinity, Femininity and Identity. These pictures consist a merge of portrait pictures as well as some environmental portraits.
Yellow coloured:
These Images are a mix-match of images of either images I may possibly use or scrap depending on if I want them.
Red coloured:
These images did not fit the aesthetic because they where either blurry, poorly taken or not what I had in mind when I saw the results.
In the next blog post I will make edits to these images for my project with Masculinity, Femininity and Identity.