Femininity and masculinity are binary opposite, meaning they are a pair or related terms which mean the opposite to one another.
The term binary opposite originated in Saussurean structuralist theory in Linquistics, the scientific study of language. According to Ferdinand de Saussure, binary opposition is the system by which, in language and thought, two theoretical opposites are strictly defined and set off against one another.
Using binary opposites can be very helpful in creating ideas for photography projects as it provides a framework – a set of boundaries to work within.
Other than femininity vs masculinity, other examples of binary opposites are good vs bad, man vs nature, beautiful vs ugly etc.
Femininity can be described as the qualities or attributes of women or girls. The typical stereotypes of women tend to be kind, loving, helpful, nurturing, emotional and others related. Femininity can also be understood as a social construct and some behaviours that are considered to be more feminine are influenced by cultural and biological factors. The term ‘femininity’ has been adapted over many decades, during more traditional times, women were seen as fragile and loving and that they should stay at home and be maternal. However, this idea is stereotypical, women are now proving they can be and do much more.

Masculinity can be described as the qualities or attributes regarded as characteristics of men or boys. Masculinity is also seen as a social construct as it has an alternate meaning in different cultures and societies. Attributes which are normally viewed and masculine include being strong, powerful, scary, violent, assertive and others. When women began to work rather than stay at home and do housework and be maternal, some men felt unhappy and uncomfortable in their masculinity as their status as the money maker was now shared with the woman.