Photoshoot plan
Here’s some of the ideas I have from the relation of what I’ve studied and artists I’ve studied, as well as me as a person and what I do and how I am the way I am.

Here is an example of what I am looking to achieve, and photos similar to these…

The makeup, hair, nails, outfit all need to be in bold, revealing the femininity within these images. They need to be beautiful and sharp as well as going for a strong jawline and out lining women’s curves.
Here is an example, showing you how a pose can make you look very feminine.

Just a difference with the way you stand can change a lot.
Justine Kurland
Justine Kurland is an American fine art photographer, based in New York City. She tries to remsble girlhood in her photos, Girlhood is the period of a female person’s life during which she is a girl. She had shared responsibility for her brother since girlhood. Her girlhood dream had been to study painting..
She is best known for photographing subjects in American wilderness landscapes.

Here is my shot of these photos:

These photos show girlhood and girls having fun, inspired by Kurland.
Photoshoot one

Cindy Sherman
Here are some edited photos in Lightroom of our first shoot- inspired by Cindy Sherman and Kulrland.
Here is some of Sherman’s work and why and how it inspired me, its more about the image for me and how she portrays females in todays society even though the photos she took were years ago , in the 90s.

These photos represent our female society and girlhood as they show how Sherman represented her women are images of women, models of femininity projected by the media to encourage imitation and identification.
I want to outline the best bits of women and how much beauty we have in us.
We as women are strong, we will have bad and good days and photos can represent a lot about what we have to go through as women on the daily all the time as photos show empathy, struggle, pain, love, beauty and much more. Feminine photos inspire me because it shows such a strong sense within the images.
What does Cindy Sherman’s art represent?
Sexual desire and domination, the fashioning of self-identity as mass deception, these are among the unsettling subjects lying behind Sherman’s extensive series of self-portraiture in various guises. Sherman’s work is central in the era of intense consumerism and image proliferation at the close of the 20th century.
Photoshoot two