Examples of binary opposition
According to Ferdinand de Saussure, binary opposition is the system by which, in language and thought, two theoretical opposites are strictly defined and set off against one another. Using binary opposites can often be very helpful in generating ideas for a photographic project as it provides a framework
Good vs Evil Black vs white
peace vs war Man vs women

Masculinity and Femininity
Qualities or attributes regarded as characteristics of women or girls. Women after world war 2 were expected to stay in and cook and look after the children. They were often seen as weak and not powerful and less than the man
Qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of men or boys. The man was suppose to go out to work all day and earn the money for the family and he was seen as the powerful one in the family and who supports the family.

Culture Wars
Culture wars are cultural conflicts between different social groups and struggle for dominance and there values, beliefs and practices.
The term is commonly used to describe contemporary politics in western democracies with issues such as abortion, homosexuality, transgender rights, pornography, multiculturalism, racial viewpoints and other cultural conflicts based on values, morality, and lifestyle being described as the major political cleavage