Headshots 3: Photo montage


What is it?

Photomontage is the process of changing photographs by rearranging and overlapping two or more photographs into a new image. This means that having a combination of several shots joined together creates an effect of creativity and imagination.



Brno Del Zou is a French photographer, sculptor and artist, born in 1963. In his work, he takes pictures of faces and bodies at various angles and combines the different photos into one. The result is a combination of several prints, leaving a distortion to the face or body.

Examples of his work:

My Contact Sheet:

My edited photos:

For these photos, we went to the studio and experimented with different facial angles to figure out which one worked better with montaging. I used the same image but edited them in different ways to experiment. I used photoshop to edit these images, and I also then produced them in black and white which makes the image more interesting due to the contrast.

I took inspiration from Brno Del Zou because I really like the artistic effect of his work, and I wanted to try it myself.

I think my final images were really successful because they look similar to the artist’s, and her face is changed around to seem distorted.

Henry Mullins Juxtaposition – George Blake

With Juxtaposition, A comparison can be made of my attempt images to same type of headshot Style, Henry Mullins took in his photos.

Using the same angles I was able to recreate some of his photos.


Using the lighting techniques I learnt prior I was able to add more detail to these headshots. In conclusion I like how these images compare to the originals and believe I have replicated these images well.