These are the final photos we took for the diamond cameo. For the actual photos we made the model look towards the camera, left and right for the cameo. while editing I made them all black and white because I thought it would look best for the type of design I would like the end result to look like. Then I put the exposure up as when I turned the pictures to black and white they all looked really dark and the model blended in with the background. I turned down the texture and clarity to get rid of any unwanted textures like the curtain in the background.
Final Diamond Cameo

This is the final cameo. I chose a white background for it as I didn’t like an olden day look to these images, so I liked the plain white background with the black and white images standing out. It gave these images a modern style which I preferred. The model is posing seriously as the diamond cameo is showing all angles of the face which I personally preferred a neutral and more serious look for.