What are lighting loops?
Loop lighting is an essential lighting technique for portrait photographers. It is easy to create with just a single light source and is flattering on most subjects. This lighting pattern will create a shadow that loops down and around the side of the nose, and on the neck and under the chin.
How does a loop light work?
Loop lighting is a lighting pattern that creates a circular shadow on the subject’s face just under the nose. You can achieve this by placing the key light 45 degrees to the side of the subject and raising it just above their eye line.
Here’s my example of loop lighting, which is edited.
This one is not..
To achieve loop lighting, chose a useful portrait lens, usually between 50mm and 100mm focal length. Position the camera in front of your subject to frame the head and shoulders. Place the light to the side of your camera (at 30-45 degrees) and slightly above the subject’s head.