Henry Mullins started working 230 Regent Street in London in the 1840s and moved to Jersey in July 1848, setting up a studio known as the Royal Saloon at 7 Royal Square. His speciality was Cartes de visite and the photographic archive of La Société contains a massive collection of these. After his death his collection of over 20,000 pictures was acquired in 1883 by Clarence Philip Ouless and formed part of his collection which was given to La Société in 2006. he had a collection of over 9,000 portraits of Jersey residents.
These images are only a small portion of the large amount of images he took, these images would then be placed into an album, presented as Carte De Visite:

Carte De Visite:
Henry Mullins specialised in Cartes de visite, it is presented widely in the photographic archive of La Société and the online archive contains 9600 images. The Carte De Visite is described as the first commercial photographic print produced using egg whites to bind the photographic chemicals to the paper and this is would be very rare to see now. This consisted of a small thin photograph mounted onto a thicker piece of card, however Mullins placed his work into an album.
Diamond Cameo:
This layout of final images is called a Diamond cameo because of diamond-like shape made by the placement of oval images. I personally like this layout form because it makes it interesting by showing all the angles of his face.