Arnold Newman

Arnold Newman was an American photographer born in New York 1918 and died in 2006. He created environmental Portraits. in 1946, Newman relocated to New York, opened Arnold Newman Studios and worked as a freelance photographer. He maintained that even if the subject is not known, or is already forgotten, the photograph itself must still excite and interest the viewer. Most of his work is black and white but he does have some images in colour.

Throughout his career, Arnold Newman photographed a variety of different famous people, for example: Pablo Picasso, Frank Lloyd Wright, Golda Meir, Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe, Salvador DalĂ and Bill Clinton. He found his vision in the empathy he felt for artists and their work.

This photograph of Pablo Picasso is very messy but its like everything is perfectly placed to show Picassos day to day environment. The artwork around Picasso is probably his own work. It is telling a story about his life in paintings inside a photo. Arnold Newman’s work is very emotional.