Who Is Oliver Doran?

Oliver Doran is a photographer based in Jersey, he has immersed himself in portrait photography ” Myself and my team strive to capture the essence of our subjects, a process that begins well before my camera clicks. Building relationships with our subjects, from calls and interviews to casual chats, helps us truly understand their personalities.”
“Studio Portrait Experiences”
Oliver Doran runs studio portrait experiences where you can book and have him take your photos, he includes a what to expect section on his website, where he says how he will discuss with you what you are looking for during your sessions, what your wardrobe styling will be, hair and makeup styling and much more, this proves how his photos will explore you personally, he creates specific environments’ in specific photos, although he says that he approaches all shoots with the same ethics all the shoots tend to come out differently.

Exploring his Images
Oliver Dorans images all tend to have a shadowy lighting effect, showing clearly where he has placed the lights too really frame and capture his subjects face. His photos are also normally in black and white, but not just like a pasted over black and white filter but instead they have real depth, you can see shine on the chairs in his photos, gloss on his subjects faces, and shimmer within there outfits, proving real depth within his images, making them actually come to life rather them boring two dimensional photos.

My Comparison

My images compare to Oliver Dorans, due to them being almost full body or just full body, he does this too create a personality within the image, and normally takes photos of people for things’ like there businesses so by doing this he can make these models come across as who they are through a lense which i have captured. His images also tend to be black and white, this is due to making an image black and white gives it a more of over all filter, and by doing this it calms down any lights or colours leaving your only focus being the model. The lights have been placed too frame the model, and place shadows in certain places too create a main focus.