for this shoot I wanted to create Rembrandt lighting in the best possible way in my ability, I did this by making sure I had the lighting on point and making the shadows I needed to make around the face. And these are the photos I came up with.
4-5 star photos (best photos I came up with)-

3-4 star photos (decent photos I came up with)–

1-2 star (worst photos)-

Butterfly lighting– I judged these based of the lighting on the face and how well the butterfly effect was created on the subject.
4-5 star photos (best photos I came up with)-

3-4 star photos (decent photos I came up with)–

1-2 star (worst photos)-

in conclusion I think that there is a lot of room for improvement when it comes to taking my photos as there is only a handful that I think show off the lighting technique to its best. I think if I was to do this photoshoot again I would take a lot more photos and keep adjusting the lighting until its perfect.