Rembrandts origin came from the Dutch painter. Rembrandts lighting technique is where he has a spot light at a 45 degree angle to the side of his model and the shadow from the light creates a triangle on the side of the face that does not have the light on it. This creates the triangle and it lights up the other eye making it become more visible.
This technique makes the models face brighter and highlights the eye to give the image a more interesting complexion.

Photo Analysis
The model is having their photograph taken on a black background, and the colour from their faces and their clothes contrasts against the black background and it gives a vibrant bit of colour. The form of these photos are all 3D and the texture is trying to represent the texture of one of his paintings but his photos all have a clean look.
My Response

My best photo

Overall you need to make more effort in producing quality blog post, see Rosie, blog post below as a good example. You also need to edit your own studio responses and add them to blog post as examples – we must see contact sheets, selection process and adjusted best set of portraits with annotation.