Vanessa Winship:


The reason why I think these photos look similar is due to the lighting and colour, the brighter lighting which has then clearly been edited to have more of a black and white tint. Although the environment’s are not the same they are similar within the aspect of having a main subject and then more things going on in the background. The people photographed also have around the same age group and are not looking at the camera.
Michelle Sank:


This photoshoot reminds me of Michelle Sanks work because of the lighting, the natural but yet fluorescent lighting. All the people being photographed are also looking at the camera while still engaging in another thing, for example in Michelle Sanks work the girl is looking at the camera while still playing with her little brother, in my work the teachers are looking at the camera while still engaging in there own work. The photos also have the similarity of the subjects smiling.
Siân Davey:


These photographs compare to the work of Sian Davey, due to the emotion, the emotion of joy is established in my images and in her images, this is given across by the teachers smiling and clearly enjoying what they are doing. The subjects emotion shines bright in these images. The use of body language and hands is also a key similarity, this can allow for further evaluation of the images.
I personally think that this is my best image, due to the use of body language, the subject is using her laptop while still maintaining eye contact and a smile with the camera, the natural lighting from outside the window clearly compares with the florescent school lighting to create this sort of nostalgic yellow tone. The composition of the image also show how the subject is almost higher up in a way, the proof of her having her own desk all while students have one that’s all joint together brushed away into the corner of the image.