My Response to Environmental Portraiture

The plan for the photoshoot was:


The idea for the photoshoot was to take inspired photographs of a subject in their natural environment and/or a place of work they are associated with. Places I looked at for possible locations were general high streets shops, markets, and a less packed place, the beach. Other places could include e.g. butchery, hospitals, governmental areas, banks, etc.  Lightning that will be needed with generally need to be daylight as most of the photographs have direct light coming through in the place of work and lightening on the ceiling of the environment.

In terms of what the subject in the environmental portrait would wear would be whatever the place of work wardrobe would dress. I look at differentiation for example one individual would wear all black with a name tag whereas another could wear a pale-like apron with a white chef hat.

The inspiration behind myself taking a photoshoot on environmental portraits is looking at other artists and photographers taking similar themed ideologies such as Arnold Newman, Jimmy Nelson (portraiture of tribal & indigenous people), and Paul Strand.

For the shoot, I want to try and capture people feeling happy and positive in their place of environment/work. I feel like it’ll give the photographs a positive perspective and outcome therefore I believe it’s important to think about this idea of the theme of moods.

The environment added to the narrative of the subjects by presenting what type of atmosphere they spend their time in and how they live daily life. The portrait is of people, strangers, family and friends. I believe that photographing strangers can be even more beautiful and interesting to add as there is this element of discomfort and life to bear finding out about one life and how they spend the majority of their life in a certain place important to them and how they progress.

Above I have displayed the rest of my contact sheet of my own response to environmental portraiture. I believe the photoshoots overall went well, my response to taking photographs of individuals in their area/environment turned out well and I believe that my photographs present it well as there are some individuals having tools and the wardrobe of a worker in that particular work field e.g. cleaner, cheese maker, cashier etc.

I have edited some of my best photography photos out of the contact sheet and they are displayed below.

Presented below are edited photographs without image diagnosis:

One thought on “My Response to Environmental Portraiture”

  1. Some nice responses starting to form here, I can tell you’ve gone out and made an effort with these photoshoots – well done.
    Remember that Environmental Portraiture includes the model with an intentional pose and is usually looking at the camera. Try to be more selective with your best images. You don’t need to include that many at the bottom of the post, pick out your strongest few, to show your best.

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