Karen Knorr is a a German photographer who’s lived in both America and the UK. She combines animal studies with conceptual art and lifestyle. Her work consists of intricate and meaningful backgrounds with animals as the focus.
Academies was Karen Knorr’s project from 1994 until 2001 where she began experimenting with fine arts transmissions and consumption as well as animal studies. These ideas continued through to her projects Fables (2004-2008) and her most recent projects. She uses heritage sites with rich history and aesthetic and combines feminine subjectivity and animality.
Case Study

This photograph shows a grand house with rich embellishments from an older period. This building radiates wealth and therefore power and so would have been built for someone with lots of influence. Instead of a person that would be associated with such an environment, Karen Knorr photographs birds. There are three birds in frame and all of them are centred in the frame. By placing these birds in such an impressive building it makes these birds seem important and powerful.
This photograph is all in focus because the photographer used a high focal length to capture the whole hall. This is important because it ensures the whole hallway is visible and showcases the fine details to highlight the wealth in the interior design. The interior design of a building is different to the exterior which everyone sees. Only people invited into the building will see all these fine details and wealth. Someone’s interior is only shown to friends, family and close piers. Someone wealthy would host an even to other wealthy individuals to showcase how they deserve to be in elite circles and deserve respect. Being invited into someone’s home is personal and intimate.
There are two different species of bird: the first is a tall, elegant bird and the second is a small, colourful one. The tall one has long, slim legs which showcase a lack of muscle or strength. This bird does not need strength to radiate power as its height towers and its wingspan takes up space showing importance. This bird has neutral colouring with a splash of pink which isn’t showy and instead elegant. Its neck creates an ‘S’ shape which reflects a swans which is associated with femininity, elegance and grace. I think that this elegance makes the bird look at home in its environment. It doesn’t stick out for any reasons other than the fact that its a bird inside of a house which is unusual.
-The small bird has bright green, blue and yellow colouring. It looks out of place for its flamboyant colour and disproportionate size. This bird lacks the elegance that the taller one has and instead reflects a child who accidently stumbled into a showroom. This not only makes everything else seem larger and more sophisticated but also shows elitist biases. The colour palate is muted with exception to the small bird which makes it stand out massively in comparison. This ostracization of the bird through colour shows us through the eyes of the elite how they would view a common folk or ‘outcast’. The birds physical size is representative of its wealth and therefore power in the room. Unlike the tall, powerful bird, this little one does not fit in. The birds small size also makes the viewer look down on it like someone of the elite would.
This photograph is vertical to elongate the doors and make the building seem even taller. This is because high ceilings are associated with wealth and power. In terms of wealth, vertical height requires more materials and space which would require a significant sum of money in the past. All the space is unnecessary for practicality and purely to showcase an abundance of wealth. Height is commonly associated with power because physically something tall towers over everything else, stands apart and looks intimidating. Additionally something tall is powerful because throughout history, height is symbolic of being closer to a heaven above and whatever has been believed to be there. The tall bird also encapsulates this power which is part of why it blends into the environment and almost looks natural.
I believe that this photograph has been created to break down what would typically be expected in an environment and present it in an unconventional way. A grand environment like this would be associated with generational wealth, elegance and importance. Britain is still rooted in a class system which would have impacted Karen Knorr who is currently living here. By moving to the UK she would have an exterior perspective on these beliefs. Karen Knorr took these traits (elegance and importance) and presented them in the form of a bird. Despite the bird meeting these traits it looks unnatural in its environment because its doesn’t meet subconscious and conscious criteria such as being human. By association, we would probably also expect the owner to be on the older side and typically a white male but by using birds which don’t match stereotypes, she’s questioning this subconscious bias in a light-hearted way.
Alternatively this photograph could be approaching an angle of symbolism. Animals throughout history have had meanings associated with them such as a deer with antlers pointing to the sky make them leaders. A lamb is associated with innocence for its pure white colour, soft wool, and eyes. They are prey not predator which signifies helplessness. A sheep is stupid which makes it seem like a brainless herd following animal. However a horned goat is associated with evil because its similar enough to a sheep for a false sense of security but has aggressive tendencies, and large horns which curl around/downwards as opposed to a strong deer with sky grazing antlers. These powerful horns reaching downwards shows strength being drawn from ‘low’ or evil places.
This idea could be associated with the birds. Birds are associated with hope because their flight allows them further transport through the sky which means they can see from height. This has led sea travellers to utilise birds to find land by staving them and letting them try to find food. This has lead to associations with good fortune, new beginnings and hope.