Alec Soth is an American photographer who photographs strangers in different parts of America. He targets individuals out and about with unique equipment like tents and suitcases. One of his projects was called ‘Sleeping by the Mississippi’ where he travelled by the river and photographed interesting individuals he past. He aimed for people with a unique story and showcased their characters through props and environment.

This photograph shows an older lady sat on her chair in a large, old house. She is centred in the frame surrounded by woods, patterns and greens. It looks as though there are two images overlaid: one of the house and the second with a tree. There is an out of focus plant also at the front which creates a sense of depth as everything else in frame is further away and sharply in focus.
This photograph is laid out as though the viewer is looking through a window and the trees appear like a reflection. By peeking through a window into the lady’s personal home the viewer is peaking into the woman’s life as homes are used in the media for as a reflection of a person/characters mind and personality. Her home has earth tones and lots of wood which shows a down to earth headspace. She has a plush orange chair which shows her loving/comforting personality. To her side is a large, modern window which lights up the whole room. This shows an open mind and cheerful personality which shines bright despite being realistic and down to earth. Additionally she has a selection of bold patterned cushions and carpets which show an unconventional look on life.
The woman herself is dressed in a green nightdress. Its shape reflects a nightgown which shows how she values comfort. By making the photograph look like its been taken through a window this isn’t necessarily how she would present herself to others and instead how she dresses on her own in the comfort of her own home. Despite being alone in her home, she is dressed well in a clean and tidy dress which shows how she values and cares for herself.
The overlay of greenery shows how she isn’t in a bubble or closed off but overgrown with external influence, has a successful social life and constantly growing as a person. Alternatively it could show what the woman is looking at. Since it looks like a reflection, it seems as though the woman is staring out her window at the woodlands. This could show an appreciation for the plant life but also outside in general which she might’ve taken for granted when she was younger and able to spend long periods of time in. If her house is representative of her mind then this staring out a window could be showing her longing for the outside world around her and what’s past her through the years and therefore her youth. She could be reflecting on her past with regrets or pride or wishes to go back. I believe this could also show a disconnect with the viewer as she is looking at the world around her with appreciation while the viewer is looking inwards at her instead and judging her based on her environment in the comfort of her home. We weren’t invited in were just looking.
The woman is well lit in light colours to make her stand out from the darker background. Additionally she is centred and well lit which draws the eye and showcases that nothing makes up her personality but her. Some people put too much importance into work or material items however this woman understands the balance. The flower in the foreground could represent her love for her garden however since it does not obscure her in away way it shows that she doesn’t let it takeover her life.
This portrait also showcases and highlights the woman’s age. The abundance of bright colours with bold patterns creates a vintage appearance. The background also highlighting outdated maximalist styles with woods, a grand fireplace and an excess of cushions and rugs also looks old in comparison to white, modern minimalistic styles. I believe that the background having an older look is significant because it reflects both the woman’s age and her interests. This tells us a lot about the woman without ever meeting her as interests and experience will impact her personality and therefore her home.