Camera Simulator

Before using the studio and camera set up I used the camera simulator to try different things and learnt about different settings. I started in aperture priority settings before moving to full manual.

From the comments given by the simulator it guided the next shot I took testing different suggestions and learning what effects the photo and how. For example in this one the exposure is good as the iso is automatic on aperture priority.

Using what I had learnt I then took the photo above with a wide depth of field, capturing everything in the frame in focus. After this shot I felt comfortable enough to try the full manual mode which is what I will use on the actual cameras.

This was my first attempt in which the aperture is too low for the iso resulting in a very unbalanced exposure meter so the photo is extremely over exposed.

For this shot, which is by far my best one of all of them I focused on making sure the exposure meter is balanced, by adjusting the shutter speed to capture the propellers as well as make sure that the photo is not too over exposed with the low aperture this also meant I needed to increase the iso to get a well exposed photo and keep the exposure meter balanced.

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