I took these set of images at the airport playing fields. The pitch is significant to me as it is where I played my first senior game.


Image selection- I flagged the images I wanted to edit by using ‘P’ and ‘X’

Basic Editing

When editing these images I wanted some of them be in colour as this pitch is still part of my life but now as a coach instead of a player. I also edited some images in black and white to show that this pitch is part of past.

I then went through my images and colour coded them on weather I wanted them in my photobook or not.




Planning Photoshoots

with my photoshoots I am planning on doing night photography so I will be going out during the darker hours of the day I will be going around the island talking photos of urban and abandoned buildings and objects I will also try and paint with light. how I will be painting with light I will up how long the photo is taken for and then go around the photo shinning lights on different objects and things the light I can get a filter for to make the light a different colour.


there are loads of abandoned building and unusual places to visit and take photos of however I do not know the names of some of them so I will try my best to describe the locations of them. The abandoned building behind Waitrose in St Clements, a abandoned places near a car park near fort regent, bunkers, a abandoned hotel near the coast of Jersey. I am not to sure of many other locations at this time however when I do photoshoots I will make a blog post talking about the photos and how I took the photos and also the locations of the places.

Personal Study- Photoshoot 2

Sub Selection

For this shoot, I went into another natural environment, however, this time I focussed more on landscapes. I want to show my grandparents relationship through nature, and I think I captured some images which hold a lot of significance. I once again used a slow shutter speed to cause any movement to blur, causing the photos to have a timeless appearance.

Personal Study- Photoshoot 1

Sub Selection

While looking through archives and talking to my grandad, I noticed how him and my grandma felt very connected to nature. Therefore, for my first shoot I decided to take my pictures on a beach, one of the places where my grandparents had many of their photos taken. I even recreated some of the archives. Moreover, I decided to focus on the environment itself. I took some of my photos of the ocean on a slow shutterspeed, allowing the photo to blur from movement. I think those pictures are a good portrayal of memories, the soft, dreamlike look of them being a interpretation of nostalgia.

Personal Study- Archives

For my project, I wanted to explore the relationship between my grandparents in the years before my grandmother passed. I think it is important to look back at the past instead of just focussing on the present, which is why I looked into the achieves my grandad still stores in his home in Jawor, Poland. The pictures of my grandparents show many different emotions, not just happiness like typical family snapshots tend to. I noticed that many of the pictures were taken in natural places, outside, which inspired me for my photoshoots.

Personal Study: Interview Plan

who, what, where, when, how

who: I will be interviewing my grandad, as he plays a major role in my project.

what: I will interview him about the memories he has of my grandma, who passed on the 29th of August 1992. I want to find out more about their life together so that my project can be more personal.

where: I will complete the interview at home, as this will be most comfortable.

when: I will do it during the Christmas holidays, when my grandad comes over.

how: I will note down questions that I will use as prompts, and then record the interview so that I can transcribe and translate it.

why: It is important to get my grandad’s own views and memories written down as they can be used as inspiration for my photoshoots and photobook. It will help my project become richer and more detailed.

Inspiration for my interview- Yury Li-Toroptsov interviewing his mother about his father for his project: Deleted Scene

Personal Study: Photoshoot Plans

who, what, where, when, how

Photoshoot 1:

who: The pictures will be of my grandad, portraying the impact of my grandmother’s passing in 1992.

what: I will also take pictures of the beach itself, since my grandparents loved the outside and therefore nature will be a good portrayal of their relationship.

where: I will be going to the beach since it is a place that is present in many of the archives.

when: I will complete this photoshoot on a day where the light is soft, during the Christmas holidays.

how: I will use a digital camera and a slow shutter speed at times, causing the photos to have a dreamlike appearance to them.

Photoshoot 2:

who: The pictures will be of my grandad, portraying the impact of my grandmother’s passing in 1992.

what: I will also take pictures of plants and the environment, as the woods is a place where my grandad spends a lot of his time.

where: I will go to a reservoir to take my photos, allowing me to photograph both trees and water.

when: I will complete this photoshoot on cloudy day, perhaps when its raining, during the Christmas holidays.

how: I will use a digital camera and a slow shutter speed at times. I might also use flash to cause the photos to look sharper, especially when capturing details in plants.