Areas of interest: St. Helier (Town), Harbours(St Aubin/ St Helier), Havre de pas, St Aubins Bay

Mood board– pictures that allow me to follow their pattern, I will inspire to take images that are influenced by these, this comes to the angles of the camera, the object being photographed, colours, weather and editing. This is because those pictures to me are very fascinating.

Who – since the areas i plan to photograph are very civilized and populated, i am aware that there may be times where random people may get in the frame, or i may capture strangers in my photographs, since my main focus is to photograph landscapes i will try to avoid capturing people, but if i do then again it is not a problem as they are a part of that landscape.
What– the main focus is to respond with this photo shoot to new topographic, which is through photographing buildings, however buildings that correspond to the area, and it’s history, but populated areas will have other values that i cant escape from like lampposts, a couple trees/flowers or bushes that might be a part of the houses, cars that are on the roads and other vehicles.
Where– in more civilized areas where there is greater amount of man-made objects, like towns and cities, in jersey the biggest town since it’s a small island, is town in St. Helier. but i may also find a great amount of buildings or vehicles in harbors,car parks etc.
When- cities look very interesting during the night due to lots of different types of lights, i might explore night photography in these areas with many different lighting but i would like to also capture some building in a sharp light like maybe during a sunset or sunrise, or throughout the day when the sun is out. i would not like to take photographs in a dull weather because if the background is very smooth and one solid colour this may blend in with the objects I’m photographing, depending what colour they are, but also makes the photograph look quite uninteresting as there is less going on.
How- as it’s a landscape photo shoot i plan on finding a balance between the sky and buildings. i also may experiment with certain angle especially when photographing a bigger building or object but being up close
Why– this photo shoot is a response to new topography, i am influenced by many of the new topography artist, but mainly Stephen Shore as i find his work the most interesting. i want to produce photographs influenced by his but also represent the meaning of new topography which was to capture the changing world. some artist even included the urban landscape mixed with the natural so i will try to find locations suitable for that.