Built on a rocky islet in St Aubin’s Bay, Elizabeth Castle has defended Jersey for more than 400 years. You can take the amphibious Castle Ferry or walk out along the causeway at low tide. Elizabeth Castle is the perfect place to spend a day exploring Jersey’s history.
Theme for the film: Post-war tourist attraction, current site of Jersey Heritage and living history.
The short film we will be producing at Elizabeth Castle will be about the post historic events and the tourist attractions. The short film will include pictures of the main historic parts such as the; canons, the structure of the castle, and the main outside area (the layout). This short film is to show the evolution of the castle and how it once gave refuge to King Charles II and has now become open to the public and marked as one of the most historic elements on the island.
About Elizabeth castle
To reach the Castle and begin your adventure, walk along the causeway or take the amphibious Castle Ferry. Spend your day exploring this sprawling 15-acre fortress: climb the battlements dating back to the time Sir Walter Raleigh was Governor of Jersey; explore the grounds that gave refuge to King Charles II during the English Civil War; uncover the story of the Castle during the German Occupation in World War II; then discover the oldest part of this site, The Hermitage, where Saint Helier is thought to have lived around 550 A.D.
A bit of history on the castle:

After gathering some research and looking at reviews tourists have put about Elizabeth castle it has made it clear to me what attracts tourists the most… therefore I know what to include in my film to ensure the target theme, which is post war tourist attraction, is accurate. One of the most important things being trying to include as much history to draw in the tourists.