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Focal Length

– Diagram displaying focal length – Photography Life

Focal length within a camera is an essential aspect of photography that influences the angle of view and magnification of the image captured. The focal length of a camera lens is the distance between the optical centre of the lens and the image sensor when the lens is focused on infinity. Typically, it’s measured in millimetres and can vary widely depending on the lens used.

– Visual representation of different focal lengths – Nikon

A lens with a shorter focal length, such as a wide-angle lens, captures a broader field of view, making it ideal when used in landscape and architectural photography. On the other hand, a lens with a longer focal length, such as a telephoto lens, narrows the angle of view and magnifies the image, making it perfect for wildlife and portrait photography.

The choice of focal length often depends on the desired effect and the distance between the photographer and the subject. Lenses with different focal lengths can be switched to achieve various perspectives and styles in their image.

light room

To select the images that I wanted, I pressed the keys “shift” and “x” to hide the images that I didn’t want to use and “shift” “p” to pick the photos I wanted.

I then turned the filter to flagged to then get only the photos I selected.

You can compare two images using the compare view (xy). You can also zoom in on details by moving the mouse.

You can also lable your images by using star and colour ratings.

you can dit photos by contrast, exposure ect.

in this photo I cropped, lowered the saturation and raised the highlights in order to receive the image on the right hand side. I also used reference view to compare the two images together to see if I like the changes I have made.

These two images above show how to save photos with a pixilation of 1000 to be able to post onto the blog. where as the image below shows me saving with a pixelation of 4000 to save as a print as it is larger and more clear.

in this screen shot i have edited the image and added vignetting to add some shadows into the corners.

Lightroom Still Life Edits

To select the images I wanted I used “shift ” and “p”. If I didn’t want the image to be apart of my selection I used “x” instead and it would reject the image.

To filter out the images you have rejected you select “flagged” so you only see the ones you have selected.

You can compare images by using “X and Y” view and give them a rating.

You can then narrow your images down further so you only see the ones you have rated. You can then give them a colour to help you narrow down your final selection further.

Basic edits:

I’m using the crop tool to get rid of the part of the image I don’t want or need.
I then changed the image into black and white and then added vignette.
You can then compare your images from “before and after view”
“Before and after view” side by side

How to export an image

When exporting the image in to the “Blog” folder you set the pixels to 1000
When exporting the image to the “Print” folder you change the pixels from 1000 pixels to 4000.

Aperture + Depth of Field

What is Aperture?

Aperture is the thing in the camera lens that you can shrink and enlarge to control the Depth of Field. The bigger the aperture opening, the less depth of field. The smaller the aperture opening, the more depth of field.

What Is F-Stop & How to Use It for Photography - Adorama
Camera Basics: Aperture Explained (With Video) • Pixels and Wanderlust

The Aperture is controlled by using the dial on the top of the camera when in Aperture Mode (Av)

Aperture: Discover How To Take Control Of Depth Of Field For More  Professional Results

What is Depth of Field?

Depth of Field, put simply, is the range of the camera. It determines how clear or blurry the background or an object further away is.

The less depth of field, the blurrier the background. The more depth of field, the clearer the background.

Low depth of field: High depth of field:

Depth Of Field Definition - What is Depth Of Field by SLR Lounge

As you may have noticed by now, the unit to measure Depth of Field is f/number. The higher the number, the smaller the Aperture gap, the higher the Depth of Field.

With this knowledge, you can take advantage of the Depth of Field to make different kinds of shots.

A few examples are:

How To Get Shallow Depth Of Field In Your Photos
17 Beautiful Images with Shallow Depth of Field
Depth of Field for Beginners: The Essential Guide
How to Increase Sharpness With Depth of Field | Landscapes With Pete


Located at the front of your camera, it allows specific amounts of light into the camera to create a sharper, accurate image.

For example in the left photo, there was a larger aperture used, which gives more attention to the image that is closes to the camera. It gives it a sharper focused look. Whereas the photo on the left is used with a slightly smaller aperture where the camera focuses on the whole of the image rather than one picture.

What is Aperture? Understanding Aperture in Photography

This could also be known as depth of field, which is the distance between the nearest and furthest objects giving a focused image. This can create much more eye catching images as it can make a specific object look much sharper, and giving it more of the attention than the objects around it in the background, while bringing out details within the object it is more focused on, like the tonality.

Camera Settings guide – The 15 best photography settings

In order to change the option on your camera of the Aperture, it is visually seen as “F–“. With a scrolling option at the front of the camera as seen in the image, which allows you to have a higher or lower aperture option.


Aperture is the adjustable lens opening that controls the amount of light allowed into the camera. the smaller the aperture the greater the depth of field. Whereas, a wide aperture gives you a shallow depth of field which leads to only the foreground is sharp.  A narrow aperture gives you a deep depth of field which means everything is sharp.

depth of field

depth of field is the distance between the nearest and further objects in a scene that appear to be sharp/ clear in the image.

Aperture and Depth of Field with Cherry Blossoms — Todd Henson Photography
The top image is taken with a smaller aperture meaning that the background of the image is blurred. Whereas the image on the bottom is taken with a larger aperture meaning that it is allowing more light in.
Understanding Depth of Field - A Beginner's Guide
Understanding Depth of Field - A Beginner's Guide


this image was taken with a white background which contrasts against the beige two toned lower background. this was taken with a wide aperture as everything in the image is in focus.
This photo was taken with a slightly bigger aperture than the photo below as has a smaller depth of field due to only the rocks and reflection being in focus and the background being blurred. Furthermore, this photo was taken on an infinity screen which gives the illusion that there is an infinite white background.

Photos taken with a large aperture

The Beauty Of Large Aperture In Digital Photography
Aperture and F-Stop in Landscape Photography for Beginner...
Improve your photos by including less | Discover Digital Photography

Photos taken with a small aperture

Why You Should Avoid Shooting at Small Apertures Like F18 to F40
Learn about aperture, exposure, shutter speed and light sensitivity – CCTV  Application System
Aperture in Photography — The School of Photography - Courses, Tutorials &  Books


What is Aperture?

The aperture controls how much light enters the camera. It also controls the depth of field. Aperture is the adjustable lens opening that controls the amount of light allowed into the camera. Learning to properly adjust these three settings based on your location and subject is essential for capturing good exposures.

What is the difference between the aperture and f-stop - MARAT STEPANOFF  PHOTOGRAPHY

We tested using the aperture by taking pictures of things we collected from the beach, rocks, shells, flip flops, and other objects. Using two types of set up, first was an infinity table which gives the illusion of white space in the background of the image. We placed coloured jell sheets in front of the lights changing the colour of the images. Our second set up was using more natural light, with a white backdrop.

What is depth of Field?

Depth of field is the distance between the nearest and furthest objects giving a focused object that are in acceptably sharp focus in an image captured with a camera. The lower the depth of field, the closer you are to your subject.

Understanding Depth of Field - A Beginner's Guide
Mastering Depth of Field. - Outdoor Photographer

Here is an example of different depth of field where on the right the background of the image is out of focus and the flower is in focus.


How does it function?

Aperture is like the “pupil” for your camera system. It opens and closes to alter the amount of light that passes through.

Aperture in Photography Defined | B&H eXplora

How does it effect depth of field?

Depth of field determines which parts of your photo are in focus and aperture lets you control that. A wide aperture gives you a shallow depth of field (only the foreground is sharp) A narrow aperture gives you a deeper depth of field (everything is sharp).

Depth of Field: An Easy Overview (2022) - YouTube

Object images

For these images we used a narrow aperture giving it a deep depth of field to ensure the whole image was in focus. If we had widened the aperture the background would be out of focus and the objects would still be clear.


what is aperture?

Aperture is the adjustable lens opening that controls the amount of light allowed into the camera. Learning to properly adjust these three settings based on your location and subject is essential for capturing good exposures.

What is Aperture? How it Creates Depth in Photographs | CreativeLive

large aperture= shallow depth of field

small aperture= great depth of field

In this photoshoot I experimented with aperture, with some images resulting in being darker then others. In some of these images I used coloured gel sheets to create a colour filter over the images, holding the sheets over the lights.

what is depth of field?

As a result, depth of field (DoF) is the distance between the nearest and furthest elements in a scene that appear to be “acceptably sharp” in an image. The distance between the camera and the first element that is considered to be acceptably sharp is called DoF near limit.

In the image, if a lot of the image is being focused on, this is called large depth of field. In the image, if a small amount of the image is being focused on, this is called narrow depth of field.

Understanding Depth of Field - A Beginner's Guide
This visually demonstrates depth of field.
3 Steps for Adjusting the Depth of Field on Your Camera - Photonify
The image on the left has a narrow depth of field as only the flower at the front is focused on whereas, the image on the right has a large depth of field as the whole image is focused on.


Importing Images:

To import, click the ‘import’ button in the bottom left and you will be shows the files on your computer. Select the folder and images you want to edit and click ‘import’.

I used ‘shift’ and ‘X’ to reject the images that I didn’t want to edit as they were out of focus or over exposed.

I have filtered out my rejects by filtering to only show the flagged photos.

You can compare images next to each other by selecting two and then clicking ‘Compare View’. You can then zoom in on them by clicking on an image and moving about.

You can also compare more than two images in ‘Survey View’, however you can’t magnify the images in this mode.

I RAG rated my images from green to red. Green is the images I will definitely edit, yellow is alright, and red is the least best images out of my final selection.

I edited my best image adding contrast, vignette, texture etc. to add depth and make the image more interesting. This is the original compared with the edit.

More Basic Edits

How to export images from Lightroom:

File – export – ‘export to: same folder as original photo’ – tick ‘put in subfolder’ – ‘Blog’ – image sizing – tick ‘resize to fit’ – ‘short edge’ – 1000 pixels.

Do the same for the ‘print’ folder but choose 4000 pixels.

Final Image