during this project, I have learned different techniques, programs and camera handling skills which I did not know before. I have not taken photography as a GCSE therefore the summer task has given me an idea of what I should expect from the subject but using a camera was the most important lesson to me as I have learned and will continue learning more advanced settings etc, but knowing how aperture, shutter speed and ISO effect an image has helped me and allowed me to get used to a camera. I like how the objective was still life as well as the project being based on the idea of home and what home is to me. this is because I was able to photograph objects that meant a lot to me and were personal to me, for this reason I think photographing objects was a bit more interesting and fun to do. I’ve noticed that when we were given objects from the beach to photograph, because the objects were not personal to me but also because it was my first photoshoot in the studio, the photoshoot was less fun as I had less control over it because in a little group we shared the same images and the objects were not ones that I could pick. that’s why I liked having more freedom when it came to picking my own objects and me being the person that decides how I would want to photograph them. What I think went well are the group photoshoots we would do, around the school or in the studio, but also using the camera in the studio, prepared to take single object images from above, these I think came out in great quality and detail. I also think what went well is using Lightroom and photoshop, as I adjusted to the program quickly and liked being able to alter the images to my vision. what I think I will need to work on is getting more used to the camera as a couple times while experimenting with the camera I was stuck and didn’t know how the settings could be changed to adjust the camera to the lighting and object being photographed. sometimes I also struggled t keep up to date with the blog posts and had overdue work that I needed to catch up on , this is why I plan to be more organized in the future projects.

Regarding my final images, I tried to include the best images from each photoshoot, as all vary in their own way. I have shown this in my virtual gallery were I tried including a set of images from my final images that went well together and were from the same photoshoot. With most of my images when editing them separately I aimed to show their tones and selecting and editing the images that would be a bit more colourful then others. With my final images I only had one in Black and White so in the future I may experiment with those tones rather than colours, so that I can learn to use both, as editing an image to black and white involves looking at a different set of editing options.