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rural landscape

what is it?

Rural= in, relating to, or characteristic of the countryside rather than the town.

Rural landscape photography refers to “photography in the countryside” and covers the rural environment. While rural landscapes often contain architecture – much the same as urban landscapes – rural landscape photography is more about capturing the life and elements found in the countryside.

It is also the diverse portion of the nation’s land area that is not densely populated or intensively developed, and not set aside for preservation in a natural state.

Natural landscapes and seascapes of Jersey in the Channel Islands - Jersey  Photos

Rural Landscape Photographers

Fay Godwin:

Fay Godwin was a British photographer known for her black-and-white landscapes of the British countryside and coast.

Fay Godwin first became interested in photography in the mid-1960s as a result of taking pictures of her young children. Alongside early portrait work, she developed a sophisticated landscape practice, often collaborating closely with writers to produce in depth surveys of particular rural topics or regions. Her photography has sometimes been linked to a tradition of romantic representations of the British landscape, in the manner of Bill Brandt or Edwin Smith. But, as a socialist and active environmentalist, Godwin makes the land in her photographs reveal traces of its history, through mankind’s occupation and and intervention.

Fay Godwin | National Galleries of Scotland
Fay Godwin: photography, environment and activism – Atomised : Andrew Brown

landscape mindmap

The photos above are images that I am going to try reference while doing my landscape homework. Many of these images above are by Faye Godwin. I like how they are very simple however, the weather/clouds create a really dramatic effect.

this is a mind map that I created for place’s that I could go to to take my landscape photos.


Landscape Photography

Landscape photography shows the spaces within the world, sometimes vast and unending, but other times microscopic. Landscape photographs typically capture the presence of nature but can also focus on man-made features or disturbances of landscapes. Landscape photography is done for a variety of reasons. Shooting landscapes forces you to get outside and find the beauty around you. Sometimes this means discovering places right in front of your eyes that you just never noticed were beautiful before. Other times this means exploring new places and getting out on a hike or nature walk.


Romanticism And Sublime


Romanticism occurred in the mid 18th century as a reaction to the birth of the modern world. Romanticist hated anything mechanical, such as steam trains and factories, they were against the industrial revolution as they believed the modern industrial world was harsh and they wanted to escape from the modern realities. They wanted to focus on beauty and wisdom that came from love, nature and the natural world. Romanticist believed in the natural goodness of humans and the freedom of the mind, having an imagination, emotion and feelings. When looking at images they reflect how romanticists felt about nature and how it was powerful, beautiful and seen as pure and spiritual.

Romanticism: Life, Literature and Landscape | AM

Poems, paintings and photography all started to contribute to the romanticism era. The main characteristics of romanticism were: Interest in the common man and childhood, Strong senses, emotions, and feelings, Awe of nature, Celebration of the individual, Importance of imagination. The paintings could be dramatic sometimes and still show the true beauty of nature and all they believed in.

JJ Rousseau was seen as the father of romanticism as he believed that man was good in nature and society’s influence has ruined mans essential goodness. He also stressed the importance of feelings and emotion which can be seen in his writing.

Romanticism in France – Literary Theory and Criticism

Ansel Adams is a famous American romanticist photographer whose images relate to romanticism as they revealed the raw beauty of nature and the outdoors.

Ansel Adams, Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park, 1934 · SFMOMA
Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park, 1934

Fay Godwin took photos which showed romantic element however, she rejected the concept of romanticism and stated that her images didn’t fit anywhere in the ‘sublime’ romantic era.

Fay Godwin | Master Photographer | On Landscape
Fay Godwin: photography, environment and activism – Atomised : Andrew Brown


Sublime is an experience that is good but could make us feel insignificant, where we allow our emotions to overwhelm and overtake us as we experience the beautiful creation of nature. Romanticist saw the sublime as the meeting of emotion and the natural world. Sublime linked to romanticism as romanticist artists would use their own experiences with nature to transfer the experience of the sublime.

John Constable:

John Constable was born in Suffolk England, he was an artist in the romantic tradition. He is well know for his rural landscape paintings of England in the 1800’s, most of Constables paintings were based around where he lived which is now known as “Constable Country”

John Constable | The Hay Wain | NG1207 | National Gallery, London
The haywain 1821

Constables image depicts a rural scene on the River Stour, it captures an image of rural bliss to show what rural England looked like before the industrial revolution to get rid of peoples stereotypical view on England during the industrial revolution, almost acting as an illusion. The image can be interpreted to show how there was tension between landowners and their workers.

romanticism photography-photoshoot plan

who, what, where, when, how, why

who: since this project is about romanticism landscape photography, I will want to include some people in my photos. They will be both staged and natural, as I will try to capture people going about their day as well as create staged photographs using my family.

what: I will attempt to capture a mixture of landscapes, however I want my landscapes to consist of some man-made structures to create contrast with the freedom and wildness of nature. I will also photograph some abandoned structures to compare them to the everlasting greenery around them.

where: I will take photos of a beach, such as St.Ouens beach since it is a wide space allowing me to capture a large landscape with many details. I will also go to a location with an abandoned building near a farm to create an interesting comparison between urban architecture and nature. I will also go to other locations with similar concepts.

when: I would like to photograph the beach location at sunrise to capture the different colours in the sky as well as the different people going for walks since it is a popular time to go out. I will want to photograph the abandoned structures I find during different weather, sunny to further enhance the beauty of nature and contrast with the lonely buildings and windy/ cloudy weather to amplify the already gloomy mood the building creates.

how: I will use different settings on the camera, such as a higher aperture, to capture the different colours as well as making the exposure of the photo quite low. I will also attempt to create some long exposure photographs to capture the way nature reacts to the windy weather, for example a blur being created as trees move.

why: I think this will be a good way of creating some romanticism photographs, comparing the power of nature against the insignificance and short life of humans and our architecture. The different weathers and locations will vary the concepts of the photos, showing a wide variety of landscapes.

Romanticism in the North: from Friedrich to Turner – Connections

Romanticism and the sublime

Stormy Coast Scene After a Shipwreck, French Artist (1830)

Romanticism is a classic theme within literature, a movement where the poets and artists were more concerned with the diversity and beauty within the natural world, as opposed to the new, ever-growing industrial revolution that was corrupting nature. Artists tend to focus more on their own emotions rather than rational thought and composure – justifying melodramatic, ridiculous actions with their own feelings.

“Civilisation is what makes you sick”

– Paul Gauguin

The theme of the sublime, however, is something a lot more extreme – the intense emotion of horror and insignificance, all the while in awe and admiration of ones surroundings. First truly defined in Edmund Burke’s 1757 novel ‘A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful’, the sublime is said to be an artistic effect productive of the strongest emotion the mind is capable of feeling.

Ansel Adams Photography - Holden Luntz Gallery
Cathedral Peak and Lake, Yosemite National Park, California – Ansel Adams (1960)

A photographer that uses these ideas in his work would be Ansel Adams, taking high-focus images of grandiose landscapes out in the old American West during the 1900s. He captured scenes of vistas large enough to make anyone feel insignificant in comparison – creating a sense of the sublime.



Rural landscape photography refers to “photography in the countryside” and covers the rural environment. Landscape photography shows the spaces within the world, sometimes vast and unending, but other times microscopic. Landscape photographs typically capture the presence of nature but can also focus on man-made features or disturbances of landscapes.


According to the article titled “Romanticism and Its Relation to Landscape Photography & Painting”, romanticism was an art form that rejected classicalism and focused on nature, imagination and emotion. Romanticism focused and emphasised on the individual, the subjective, the irrational, the imaginative, the personal, the spontaneous, the emotional, the visionary, and the transcendental.


  1. Interest in the common man and childhood.
  2. Strong senses, emotions, and feelings.
  3. Awe of nature.
  4. Celebration of the individual.
  5. Importance of imagination.


The Sublime is a western aesthetic concept of ‘the exalted’ of ‘beauty that is grand and dangerous’. The Sublime refers to the wild, unbounded grandeur of nature, it relates to threat and agony, to spaces where calamities happen or things run beyond human control.

The theory of sublime art was put forward by Edmund Burke in A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful published in 1757.



The term landscape actually derives from the Dutch word landschap, which originally meant “region, tract of land” but acquired the artistic connotation, “a picture depicting scenery on land” in the early 1500s. The development of the term in the Netherlands at this time was logical because the Netherlands was one of the first places that landscape had become a popular subject for painting. At this time, the rising Protestant middle class sought secular art for their homes, creating the need for new subjects to meet their tastes; landscapes helped fill this need.

The 19th century held many milestones for the history of landscape art. As the Industrial Revolution altered the traditions of rural life, the old hierarchy of subjects crumbled. Throughout Europe and North America landscape painting gained a new supremacy.

In the early 20th century, painters continued to embrace the landscape. As photography gained acceptance as an art form, artists used the medium to create interpretations of the land through pictorialist effects and, later, through formal compositions of close-up, cropped views of the landscape. In America, photographer Ansel Adams captured the country’s attention with his breathtaking views of the wild beauty of the American West. Even though the major artistic movements of the mid-20th century were no longer dominated by the landscape as a subject, the genre’s importance continued as artists responded to fears of increased industrialization, the threat of global destruction, and ecological disasters.


Romanticism was an art form that rejected classicalism and focused on nature, imagination and emotion (1) . Therefore, this started a new way of thinking and created a new type of art. It crossed between music, painting, photography and many other art forms. Landscape photography was popular at this time, therefore, romantic landscapes were common.

The landscapes focused on the beauty of nature and included a lot of running water and vast forests . One photographer that comes to mind is Ansel Adams . He focused on the beauty of the world and captured that in his photos. His photographs did not include people, cars or man made objects.

The sublime

The theory of sublime art was put forward by Edmund Burke in A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful published in 1757. He defined the sublime as an artistic effect productive of the strongest emotion the mind is capable of feeling.

Caspar David Friedrich

Friedrich was a 19th century German painter who painted and influenced the Romanticism movement. His paintings often featured the romantic landscapes with a small human element involved. Before Friedrich became known there were very few artists painting landscapes and the genre of landscape wasn’t at all considered as major. With the rising recognition of Friedrich, the genre of landscape became more popular and artists started to paint nature and landscapes. Friedrich’s painting look at landscapes through the lens of the “sublime”. His landscapes are often described as expansive, grand and sometimes thought to bring fear because of the thought of connecting with peoples spiritual side. Friedrich’s landscape paintings would give more meaning to just a normal landscape and would make the nature in the background the main focus of the painting, while still including a human feature. Friedrich is now often seen as the most important painter of German Romanticism.

1832 Germany
Moonrise over the Sea, 1822
A Walk at Dusk, 1830-35
Two Men Contemplating the Moon 1819

All of these images show how Friedrich made nature and landscape more important than the human aspect of his paintings. He included a lot more nature, with trees and rocks and sometimes old broken buildings and would only add one or two people to the painting who were almost admiring the nature around them and the sky above them. Whether it was the moon or the sunset.