All posts by Tom Frankland



Single Object Edits

Photoshop Experimentation

For this image i cut out the middle part of the subject and layered another image behind it.

I used a layer mask in this image to give it the gradient effect.

I used the brush tool with a specific brush selected and I increased the size of the brush then I drew around the image.


A joiner includes the artist taking tow or more images of the same scene whilst slightly shifting the position of camera and then overlapping the images in a way to where all the image join up.

This method of photography originated from David Hockney, his earlier collages consisted of grid like composition made up of polaroid photographs.

Still Life Photoshoot

for this photoshoot we wanted to experiment with different items such as rocks and jewellery we also wanted to use different lighting colour to give us a range of images to pick from

For these photos we wanted to take some typical still life images whilst using random items we found around the photo studio.

Adobe Lightroom Development

For this image I wanted to extenuate the colour and reflections in the image I also changed the shadows to make the object stand out a bit more.

I had the same idea for this image except i wanted to change the colour around a bit because the image already had coloured lighting but it was dull.

for this image i wanted to go for minimalistic edits i really just wanted to improve on how the object looked and how it contrasts with the background.

Introduction to Landscapes

Landscape photography shows the spaces within the world, sometimes extensive and unending, but other occasions microscopic. Landscape photographs typically capture the closeness of nature but can further focus on man-made features or disturbances of landscapes. Landscape photography is done for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the most common is to recall a individual observation or knowledge while in the outdoors, especially when touring. Others pursue it particularly as an rustic lifestyle, to be involved with nature and the elements, a few as an escape from the artificial world

History of Landscape Photography

The earliest known record of a landscape photograph was taken between the years of 1826 and 1827. It was an urban landscape photo taken by a French inventor by the name of Nicephore Niepce.

Nicephore Niepce
Ansel Adams
Gustave le Gray

Anthropocene Final Images

This image wasn’t inspired by any artist i just wanted to give the photo a ‘cartoony’ feel, to make it i first outlined the image then applied 2 filters from the filter gallery. The original photo without the edits was inspired by Edward Burtynsky.

This photo was inspired by Edward Burtynsky and is of a urban landscape that also shows an industrial theme.

This image was inspired by Mandy Barker and the way she scatters many pollution related items around a black background, to make this image i only used 6 bottle caps and took pictures of them in different positions, the really small bottle caps are actually just dots from the brush tool.

For this image i wanted to use a layer mask to give the illusion of the image being painted on.

This image was also inspired by Edward Burtynsky, but has a more abstract approach.

This image was inspired by Mandy Barker and the way she lays out plastics on a black background, i came up with the concept of putting the caps in the shape of a bottle because i thought it would relate to Anthropocene.

Image Comparison

Seeing my image side by side with Mandy Barkers I can see that I didn’t put a blue mist around the image and the bottle caps aren’t as much in focus.


The Anthropocene project helped me explore different parts of photography that I never thought about touching, the project improved my editing skills because it let me edit different photos that to what I’m used to. I found that my strengths lie in this project is in the experimentation and manipulating an image, however i found going out to take the photos was difficult as it was a random chance if i was gonna get decent weather. I took the bottle cap images as an almost fall-back plan if I couldn’t go out to take photos. I thought I could improve by taking photos in different locations.

Furthermore I thought I could also improve by taking photos with a higher resolution and photos that are in focus but to accomplish that I would need to acquire a camera and a tripod so I would be able to take steady and still landscape photos.

I enjoyed this project as it let me expand on my photoshop abilities, whilst experimenting with my edits i found areas in editing that I was not so confident in so this project helped me improve in the areas I was lacking.

Anthropocene Experimentation

I doubled the width of the canvas.

I filled the empty side in with red.

I selected the red side with the magic wand tool and pressed on inverse select.

I duplicated the image and flipped it horizontally, I filled the empty with red so I could see if there where any gaps between images.

I repeated the 1st and 2nd step but with the height.

I duplicated the image and flipped it 90 degrees.

I changed the blending mode of the second image until if found one that looked good.

I duplicated the image and change the opacity and offsetting it a bit.

I repeated this a second time.

I used the pen tool and went around the image.

I then clicked stroke path with a black brush.

I repeated this process until I couldn’t outline anymore.

I applied a filter to reduce the realness of the image.

I then applied a second filter to give a cartoony look.

I applied a layer mask to the image.

I then made a new layer, filled it in with white and put it bellow the image.

I filled the layer mask in with black to make the image disappear.

Then i found a brush that I liked.

with the layer mask selected i painted, with white selected, around the image.

I used a different brush to give me this result.

I used the ellipse marquee tool to make a selection of a circle

I then rotated the selected part 180 degrees

For this image i got a image of a bottle outlined it with the pen tool and clicked stroke path

I then selected the outline and applied a layer mask and changed the background to black

I then filled the outline with caps

Anthropocene shoot – Mandy Barker


I select the bottle caps and put them over a black background editing size and rotation as well

I repeated putting bottle caps everywhere and changed the hue and saturation to change the colours of the caps

I added some dots around and changed the vibrancy of the entire image to make it less vibrant

I tweaked the vibrancy to make it look more natural

I increased the clarity and textures of the image

I used a layer mask to get rid of parts I didn’t want

Final Image