Will Lakeman is a Local artist who grew up in Jersey his exhibition which he had created was based on Fort Regent and how he visioned it when he was little, when we went on a class trip to go see it Will explained to us that Fort Regent was a place he went to, to spend time with his brother. Lakeman is a photographer who has nurtured an obsessive interest in ‘the Fort’, and has spent his adult life revisiting weird dreams of this iconic building and its heyday in the early 1990s. It was interesting hearing about how the Fort was when it had things to do and was busy as now more and more things have been taken out of it and each year it is becoming more derelict and is hardly used. He mentioned that part of his attachment to Fort Regent was due to his autism he was fascinated by the pools and funfairs which were there even though he was intimidated and didn’t like the floods of people which the Fort held as it could be a sensory overload he found his passion for the place. The nostalgia which Lakeman experienced whilst making this project bought him comfort as he was able to create the illusion of how amazing he found the Fort even though other other people may have thought he had exaggerated it but that didn’t matter because it was how he saw it.
The images were an attempt to recreate his childhood memories and how he envisioned it, and whilst creating the images the nostalgia came flooding back of his childhood memories, the images are fascinating to look at as they are vibrant and look really realistic.

These photos were created by ai, for the past 3 years Lakeman was working on ai to create these photos he said he liked creating these images however it took him years to master the techniques and he is still learning, Lakeman also used a light-box to frame his images to enhance the vibrance of the colours to resemble how he saw them the ones in the light-box are printed on a special film in order for it to more effective.
I really enjoyed visiting this exhibition as it was something i haven’t seen before and was a different medium of photography and i found that fascinating i loved how vibrant the images were.