These are some of the photos i have edited in light room classic and photoshop. The ones with vibrant colours where edited in Lightroom and the ones with darker colours where edited in in photoshop. With the photoshop i cut one photo in half over another creating a weird effect but look nice. with the vibrant coloured photos me and my friend put coloured sheets over the lights to create different photos with the same set up.
What is photography the art or practice of taking and processing photographs. However, what does photography mean to people who enjoy it and for the people who take photos for people to enjoy. David Campany wrote a book called “On photographs” he says in the book that “Photographs are often thought of as ways to hold things still, to calm the flux of a restless world. They allow us to gaze at fixed appearances, for pleasure or knowledge, or both” what this mean is that many people can enjoy photography in many ways like learning something from a photograph or just simply enjoying the photo someone has taken because of natural beauty, meaning behind the photo, or what the photo means to that person. Editing in photography is more common now then it was 50 years ago this is because of technology advances, however editing photos could be seen as a false art, a photo has been edited to look better than the real thing, however. When artist paint they can overdo things like make the sky bluer or paint a house smaller or bigger than the real thing so editing can be seen as the photographers view on what they want to show the world.
Over the years photography has gotten increasingly better cameras have gotten better and smaller than cameras from 50 years ago however some photographers seem to like the aesthetic of older cameras then newer cameras. This is strange but also its understander because. Some people like holding on to the old thing which is completely normal but is industrial always developing and getting better and better when there’s a big portion of people that stick by old cameras.
In photography there are different types of photographers some like taking pictures of nature, some like taking photos of people, some like taking pictures of citys or towns, and some like to take pictures of everything this is good because photographers can be more divers in there work, say if they started to not want to take pictures of nature they could start to take pictures of people they can take photos of mostly anything there mind comes to. So I guess this could be a reason why people love photography because it can be different everyday if you want it to be or it can be the same its up to the photographer.
John Baldessari is an American photograph who was born on the 17th of June 1931 and died on the 2nd of January 2020. He lived and worked in Santa Monica and Venice, California.
John Baldessari was known for his pioneering use of appropriated imagery. By blending photos with painting and text. His photos examine the plastic nature of artistic media while offering commentary on our contemporary culture.
Adobe Lightroom classic is an editing software where photographers can edit there photos. its like photoshop just a bit worse.
this is the library section of Lightroom where you can see all your photos, you can also make a collection to organise your photo. For example if you have a lot of photos then you can put your best photo in a collection. this is development this is where you can edit your photos and put filters on them if your in a rush to put them on a website or social media. on the right is where you can manual edit the photos and on the left is already set filters for your photo.
Lightroom classic was made on the 19 of February 2007
What is still life: still life is traditionally a collection of inanimate objects arranged as the subject of the photo. Where does still life come from still life derives from the Dutch word stilleven. It was used for a panting in the 17th century not a photo however we use the word for photos and paintings that have still life in them like fruit, flowers, cups, etc.
The painting generally considered to be the first still life is a work by the Italian painter Jacopo de Barbari painted 1504. The “golden age” of still life painting occurred in the Lowlands during the 17th century. (here it is vvv)
Paulette Tavormina is a famous still life photographer she takes the some of the best still life images.
focus point in photography are zones on the camera sensor that are sensitive to changes in the imagine for example if you take a picture of a flower in a field the field will be blurry whilst the flower will be in focus, so the flower is the focus point.
what’s the point for focus point they help draw the eye to the interesting or point of the imagine and helps make the imagine “pop” choosing the right focus point is crucial in order to make the photo make sense you main want a different colour or light to be the focus point not a field or a dull wall.
focal length is the distance between the lenses and the area that your taking a photo of. the right length is crucial in making a good photo that gets everything and not to much that image is to overwhelming or doesn’t look good.
Aperture is the opening of the lens through which light passes to enter the camera, aperture can also be described as the adjustable lens opening that controls the amount of light allowed in the camera
Shutter speed is the speed the cameras shutter closes, the faster the shutters closes the less light exposer and the slower the shutters closes the more light exposer.