Still life printed objects
To create this image I cut on photo in half and put it on each side of the main image to give the effect that the book is almost floating.
To create this piece I used some old beach images as tghe background and then I stuck 2 contrasting pairs of shoes diagonally to each other.
For this image I tore strips of news paper and stuck them on a white card, then I edited one statues head onto another to create the head as the most vocal part of the image. Lastly I embodied into the statue to give it a more surreal effect.
To create this image I cut two images into strips and merged them together to create only one final piece.
I personally feel that these physical pieces came out quite well, I like the mix of colours included and the simplicity of some of the images. Next time I would ideally like to make the final presentations less messy and more precise as I do feel that the neatness of an final image has a great impact on the final result. I would be intereged to try this method and again and see how I can improve next time.