This is Mary Ellen Bartley.
Mary Ellen Bartley is well known for her photography featuring books. She displays them in a simple but unique way. Her genre of photography is still life. Her work celebrates books, which is particularly important now as many have turned away from books and use online technology. Her simplistic style entices the viewer as it is perfect and pleasing to the eye. Here are some examples that I like:
This is a photo of her setup when photographing her images:
She is using a tripod. This stops her images from blurring and allows her to adjust the camera angle until it is perfect. She is using natural lighting from the window, it is not harsh and goes great with this image. She is also using a plain white background.
This is an exhibition by Mary Ellen Bartley. Personally, I really like it. The colours and perfectly framed pictures is very pleasing and calming. This also shows the variety and beauty of books, some old, some new.
Photoshoot inspired by Mary Ellen Bartley
I have edited 3 images on photo shop and have merged them together.
Poppy…aim to add 3-5 finalised images clearly on the blog, so that your process is visibly developing. You have some successful experiments but you need to establish which images you have resolved and explain why.