1. Research a photo-book and describe the story it is communicating with reference to subject-matter, genre and approach to image-making.
The book I am deconstructing is ‘Girl Pictures’ by Justine Kurland which explores the subject of teenage run away delinquents. Throughout the book it captures moments of girls supporting other girls through times of difficulties, but also while enjoying some of the best moments of their life’s. The genre of this book is staged however has elements of documentary, this is due to Justine Kurland using real people from the surrounding areas of where the shoots are taken place however, due to the composition and set up of each image it makes this photo book be perceived more staged than documentary.
2. Who is the photographer? Why did he/she make it? (intentions/ reasons) Who is it for? (audience) How was it received? (any press, reviews, awards, legacy etc.)
Justine Kurland’s main inspiration was from her, at the time partners daughter which used to skip school creating a stronger bond with one and another due to the vast amount of time spent together and a TV show, which she then decided to focus on the ‘tales of teenage delinquency’ and glamorize it to go against a ‘male protagonist’
3. Deconstruct the narrative, concept and design of the book and apply theory above when considering: