This mood board consists of images by Justine Kurland and some photographers which I saw whilst at a photography exhibition on our Paris school trip, Rene Groebili, celestial Echoes and Paul Kookier.
These images relate back to the theme of nostalgia as it reflects back to ‘the best years’ of a female, your teenage years. Where we don’t have a lot to worry about.
Paul Kooiker (born 1964, Rotterdam) studied at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague and the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam (1990-1992). Kooiker was awarded the Prix-de-Rome Photography in 1996 and the A. Roland Holst Award for his oeuvre in 2009. Foam previously hosted a solo exhibition of his autonomous work in 2006, under the title Paradise Twenty-One. Kooiker’s works have been displayed in countless solo and group exhibitions in the Netherlands and abroad.