How successful was your final outcomes?
I Feel that my final outcomes are what I was achieving at the start of the project so I think that they are successful in how I captured the modern day pressures on both genders. And how the stereotypes for girls is that they are meant to be soft and emotional where as boys are meant to look masculine and have contrasting qualities to female’s such as being independent and decisive with having an idealistic strong figure and stance.
What references did you make to artists references – comment on technical, visual, contextual, conceptual?
For my references I looked at Anna Gaskells work For my femininity shoot due to her using multiple different females to create a utopian reality by exploring imagination and creativity. I felt that her work really linked to femininity as the girls in her photoshoot wore old dresses and shoes which I feel explored fashion in history and what girls where required to wear in contrast to the 20th century. I also like how she uses more pastel colours in her photos as it gives them a softer tone and warmth to them. For my second photoshoot it was a last minute idea as my brother and his friend came to my house, This means that I wasn’t inspired by a photographer and just went off what I thought would look good.
Is there anything you would do differently/ change etc?
Next time I would put more preparation into my Masculinity shoot as I wasn’t sure if I was defiantly able to do it due to my brother and his friends schedule. I feel that if I researched a photographer that takes similar photos to my shoot I would of had more a sense about what I was doing and someone to base my work off of. I also should of used sandpaper to sharpen the edges of the foam board before I stuck them down on the black card.