
Chemigram is an experimental piece of art where an image is made by painting with chemicals on light-sensitive paper. Such as photographic paper, which is light sensitive. It requires, light sensitive paper, developer and fixer. this is the use of materials from silver halide-based photography . Like the photogram, the chemigram is made without a camera, however the difference is that it is created in full light instead of in the darkness of the darkroom. For this reason it is arguably not “light that writes” but rather “chemistry that writes”.

often Chemigrams are produced for artistic aspects, not many agree it is a form of photography. however it is an important little part of photography to understand a little more about the subject, and how it works. Chemigrams show similarly how a camera works. Showing the importance of darks and lights, especially film photography.

In a small group we have went for a trip to experiment with light sensitive paper and understand the chemical process behind Chemigrams. We have used a variety of different materials to create our images, the materials were applied before dipping the paper in a developer/fixer. like wax, glue and different methods to apply the developer of fixer, like through a paintbrush, sponge, spray bottle etc.

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