Landscape Final Images

Using photoshop, I cropped out parts of a darker image and put them in the main image.
In this image, I used lighting from the front, making shadows.
This image was made unintentionally blurred however I think that it makes the image better.
I liked this image because of the individual green can tab.
In this image, I used photoshop to edit the image of the blurry cars above onto an image of some regular cars, resulting in this image.
In this image, I really liked how the cars look as though they are radiating heat from them.
In this image, I, once again, used photoshop to cut out parts of a less vibrant image and put them into my, more vibrant, background image.
I chose this image because of how simple it is.
I took this image with a flashlight behind the jar and then in Lightroom, I made the image darker so the objects background aren’t as noticable.
I used photoshop to cut out parts of a more vibrant version of the original image and place them on top of the original.
I thought that this image could signify how “dull” humans have made nature by using a really vibrant image and a really dull image.
This is image is one of my favourites from the romanticism topic, I love how the clouds are moving across the sky and the colouring of the image.

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