To tackle this task I plan to visit area that would have a natural landscape , however they are also polluted or likely to be polluted.

I chose to focus on reservoirs as the water is heavily polluted, however this contrast with the environment around the water. that’s why I will chose a reservoir on jersey to photograph. However I would like to focus on landscapes with water as these interest me the most. regarding Anthropocene, I plan to show it through altered landscape, by montaging and experimenting with altering the image manually as well as digitally.

what interests me the most are colourful altered or constructed landscapes, that have been manually altered. I can use that to my advantage to represent Anthropocene through the manufactured and “ruined” photograph of a natural landscape. The images that I have used for my mood board are abstract and unique as well as full of colour, that’s what I will inspire to achieve with my final images.

What-reservoir banks, gates, trees, houses etc. a mix of both the natural and rural landscape, since my main focus is going to be the reservoir the pictures would include most of these items, mainly consist of water, sky and a tiny amount of land with trees.
Where- Reservoirs in jersey, which is more likely to be Val de la Mare reservoir, which is in St. Peter/ St. Ouen area. However to have a wider choice of images, I might visit some of the coastal areas, like plemont.
When- During daytime or before sunset, around this time of the year this would usually be between the hours of 12.00pm-17.00pm.
How- I will try to photograph the pictures to include elements of water as well as land. i will try to show all the angles of the scenery and try to use different settings on the camera .
Why- The final images should respond to the topic of Anthropocene. the images should represent a landscape that is polluted, this could be by altering the pictures or picking out a polluted, degraded scenery that has been ruined by humans.