
For my first final piece, I printed out one of my images on A3 glossy photo paper. I then used a piece of thick black card and began measuring the size of my images and of he card to be bale to cut out a ‘window’ in the card. Once I had cut the card out, I placed my image facing down on the back of the card and use masking tape to hold it in place. Overall I am very happy with how this piece turned out at it is very monochrome and the window mount makes the image become a final piece.

For my second final piece, I did the exact same process as my first final print. However, this time my image on A3 glossy photo paper, had a white boarder which I decided to keep on as it separates the image from the black window mount. Again, I am very happy with how this piece turned out and this the whit boarder make my piece stand out.

With my third final piece, I decided to do something different. Once I had my image printed out on A4 glossy photo paper, I stuck it to white foam board with spray mount and then trimmed it to the right size. I decided to leave a white boarder on this one as the image is in black and white meaning the boarder breaks it up more. After this, I used double sided tape to mount it onto a piece of black card to complete my final piece. I like how this piece turned out, however I think it is quite simple which it less bold.

For my fourth final piece, I printed out two of my images on A4 glossy photo paper. I mounted these two images with spray mount onto white foam board however, as these images were in colour, when I trimmed them, I did not leave any boarder. After this, I used double sided tape again to mount them onto black card. I am very pleased with how this piece turned out as I think the colours in my two images contrast nicely with the black card, making my images engaging.

For my fifth and final print, I printed out three of my images on A5 glossy photo paper. I then took another piece of black card and measured my images as well as the card to make the cut outs perfectly spaced and even. Once I had the areas to cut out measured I used the knife and ruler to cut the windows out. Finally, I used masking tape to places my images in the windows. Overall, I think this is my favourite final piece. I think the window mount works very will with my images and the colours that the three images contain go well together. As a whole, I am very pleased with all of my final prints and think they turned out well.