Photoshoot 1

First photoshoot taken on the west side of the island with the intent of getting pictures of the ocean and grounding a general aesthetic that I like for my images, I wanted to focus on isolating and empty spaces- empty pebble beaches / large stretches of ocean / stranded boats. All to create an alienating atmosphere.
Photoshoot 2
A continuation of the first photoshoot getting pictures of open space + old boats.

Photoshoot 3

Focusing on making images relating to Francesca Woodman. with varying backgrounds.
Photoshoot 4

Images of my face made in studio to be used for photo manipulation.

When editing I had a particular pastel blue value I wanted to achieve throughout the images – very much inspired by the aesthetic values of Laura Letinski.

Changing the boat photos from colour to black and white. I did this mainly as I think it would flow better within the photobook I wanted the colour images to be very blue toned to contrast a lot of the red I am using. I also think the black and white better brings out the cold nature of the metal.

For the Francesca woodman inspired Images I switched them all to black and white to better mirror her work, I think it made the blurring from the slow shutter speed more obvious without getting lost in colour.